tomorrow is the first day of december. december. i'm not exactly sure how that happened. in any case, i've put together a humble list of places to help you find wonderful gifts for the people you love this holiday season.
- plain mabel. this site has great treats, including the switchring. i love the switchring. it's adorable and modular and i was lucky enough to get one in red.
- etsy. if you are looking for something totally unique and handmade, then you will love this site. you can search the contents by color, by description, by time posted and even by price. you are sure to find something here you'll love. i bought some lovely soap from this seller; it smells wonderful and makes waking up much more fun. they also have a massive selection of cute one-inch buttons. you know how i feel about one-inch buttons.
- reprodepot fabrics. this has to be one of my favorite fabric sites ever. maybe you want to surprise your loved one with some inspiration in the form of a yard or two of delicious fabric?
- subversive cross stitch. a girl after my own heart. there can never be enough embroidered swear words in the world. never. what makes it even more fun is that you can give someone something they can make themselves. i love getting that kind of gift.
- thea starr. if you can find a cuter hair tie anywhere, i will be a monkey's uncle.
- copacetique. another wonderful online store full of handcrafted goodies. plus, janice is adorable and the zine is a great read.
- last but not least, giant robot. giant robot is a magazine, a store, and a restaurant. you might want to give a subscription to the magazine, or you might want to give them a t-shirt. i like this site because i've bought both my sister and my father a gift here.
if you'd like a pinprick item custom made for you, please send your request to me no later than december 14th! if you want something in time for christmas, please order by december 20th, okay? okay!
okay that is the most brillant idea EVER!!! those monkeys are so cool!
and thank you for the mention! ^_^
Posted by: thea | December 08, 2005 at 03:04 PM