my sister's going to have her baby any second now. not to get too technical or anything, but baby is ready. any day i'm going to get to meet the newest member of the family! i can't tell you how distracted this makes me. i know this might sound weird, but i wonder what she looks like. will she be super-blonde like her folks? will she get my family's general brown-ness? what if she's a redhead (that would R-U-L-E)? i hope she's nice. i hope she likes me.
in seattle news, i've sent a whole slew of bibs over to 20 Twenty in ballard (5009 20th Ave NW Seattle, mapquest it!). even if you don't buy any of my stuff, you'll find lots of amazing treats for yourself. joel has a wide selection of vintage men's and women's clothes, and tons of amazing accessories from local (and now not-so-local) artists. speaking of art, there's always great stuff on the walls too. so go! now! i'll wait.